
Showing posts from April, 2019

Crete, Greece

 Balos Lagoon In Crete we stayed in the South-West, in Frangocastello, a small and quiet village in the Sfakia area.  By landing in North, in Chania, I had the opportunity to travel across the island on different roads on the western side.  The landscape is arid, the roads crossing the mountains are spectacular, the atmosphere is very rustic. Imbros Gorge The Balos lagoon offers a gorgeous scenery, especially seen from above; in my opinion it's well worth taking the trip on a difficult road as well as the physical effort required to get there.  On the way to Balos:   Balos Lagoon The almost as famous Elafonissi Beach is nowhere near as spectacular.   In the area where we snorkeled the bottom of the sea is unusual, consisting of highly eroded limestone, with a lot of holes and weird formations. The underwater life is typical for the southern Mediterranean, with octopuses, sea urchins, the usual fish...

Creta, Grecia

 Laguna Balos In Creta am fost in zona sud-vestica, la Frangocastello, o localitate mica si foarte linistita, in zona Sfakia.  Aterizand in nord, in Chania, am avut prilejul sa strabat insula pe diferite drumuri in partea ei de vest. Peisajul este arid, soselele care trec munti sunt foarte spectaculoase, atmosfera este foarte rustica. Cheile Imbros Un peisaj superb il ofera laguna Balos, in special vazuta de sus, consider ca merita drumul greu si efortul fizic pentru a ajunge acolo.  In drum spre Balos:   Laguna Balos Aproape la fel de celebra Elafonissi nu este nici pe departe la fel de spectaculoasa.   In zona in care am facut snorkeling, fundul marii este aparte, fiind alcatuit din calcar foarte erodat, cu multe gauri si formatiuni deosebite. Viata subacvatica este tipica Mediteranei de sud, caracatite, arici, pestii obisnuiti dar si Cornetfish, specie nativa in Marea Rosie si ajunsa aici prin C...