
Showing posts from January, 2019

Sharm el Sheikh - Marea Rosie, Egipt

In Sharm cei pasionati de snorkeling trebuie sa aleaga cu grija hotelul, altfel se pot trezi cu un recif mai mult mort, un ponton exagerat de lung, valuri mari si deci interdictia intrarii in apa. Eu recomand Reef Oasis, cu un ponton plutitor mic si un recif excelent, dar cu siguranta sunt si alte resorturi bune. Am fost in aprilie si octombrie, bineinteles apa e mult mai calda toamna. Am vazut in jur de 100 de specii de pesti (inclusiv Napoleon), o testoasa, meduze, anemone si alte nevertebrate colorate, alaturi de corali, iar o data am avut sansa sa treaca un grup de delfini paralel cu plaja. Spre deosebire de Makadi Bay - Hurghada intrarea in apa se face de pe ponton, deci mai incomod si direct in apa foarte adanca. Pentru un recif spectaculos merita facuta excursia (pe mare sau pe uscat) la Ras Muhammad , care este rezervatie naturala. Cum ajungem in Sharm el Sheikh Varianta cea mai comoda este un charter de la o agentie ...

Sharm el Sheikh - Red Sea, Egypt

In Sharm, snorkeling enthusiasts must carefully choose the resort, otherwise they may find themselves facing a mostly dead reef, an overly long pier, big waves and therefore the prohibition of getting in the water. I recommend the Reef Oasis resort, with a small floating pier and a great reef, but I'm sure there are other good resorts.   I was there in April and October; of course the water is a lot warmer in the fall. I saw around 100 species of fish (including Napoleon), a sea turtle, jellyfish, anemones and other colorful invertebrates, besides coral, and once I had the chance to spot a pod of dolphins swimming parallel to the beach. Unlike in Makadi Bay - Hurghada, you can only get in the water from the pier, which is more inconvenient and straight into deep water. To see a spectacular reef it's well worth taking a trip (on water or on land) to the Ras Muhammad  nature reserve.  How we get to Sharm el ...

Hurghada - Red Sea, Egypt

My experience with Hurghada is limited to the Makadi Bay area, where we find the best reef accessible from the beach and consequently the best snorkeling experience available directly from your hotel. I have been there in April and December; in both cases the water was great. The hotel choice is not that important since you can go on the beach, move between resorts and swim anywhere. I stayed at the Fort Arabesque and Sunrise Royal Makadi resorts, both are very good, Fort Arabesque has the most beautiful and longest reef, a real paradise for underwater life lovers. A very important thing to know about Makadi Bay is that here you get into the water directly from the beach, not by using a pier (like you would in Sharm el Sheikh). I saw over 100 species of fish (I will come back to this with more details), including one shark (!), squids, octopus, sea anemones, beside colorful corals and other interesting invertebrates. How we get...

Hurghada - Marea Rosie, Egipt

Experienta mea in ceea ce priveste aceasta statiune se rezuma la zona Makadi Bay , unde este cel mai bun recif langa plaja, deci cele mai bune conditii de snorkeling direct de la hotel. Am fost in aprilie si in decembrie, in ambele cazuri apa a fost excelenta. Alegerea hotelului nu este atat de importanta, intrucat se poate trece pe plaja intre hoteluri si face baie oriunde. Eu am stat la Fort Arabesque si Sunrise Royal Makadi, ambele sunt foarte bune, Fort Arabesque are cel mai frumos si lung recif, un adevarat paradis pentru amatorii de viata subacvatica. Un lucru important de stiut despre Makadi Bay este ca in acest loc  intrarea in apa se face direct de pe plaja, nu prin intermediul unui ponton (asa cum este in Sharm el Sheikh). Eu una am vazut peste 100 de specii de pesti (asupra carora voi reveni), printre care si un rechin (!), calmari, caracatite, anemone, meduze, pe langa coralii colorati si alte nevertebrate interesante. Cum ...


I want to share my experience for people (like me) with a passion for jellyfish. The most beautiful and rare species to find - Geryonia proboscidalis ( Hydrozoa ) I saw in Cyprus, Protaras, between the end of May and the start of June. Some special jellyfish - Comb jellyfish (Ctenophora ), I had the opportunity to meet in big numbers in Egypt (at the end of April) in Sharm el Sheikh. I am fascinated by the colors they have due to the microcilia which diffract color, but do not sting. A very common species, but with a special coloring in the Red Sea - pink, mauve - is Aurelia Aurita ( Moon Jellyfish ) - which you can meet in big numbers in Egypt in April - Mars (in Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh).  This is also a species which is harmless to humans. Unlike them, a very stingy jellyfish, with extremely unpleasant effects (intense pain, followed by days of itching and scarring) - Pelagia Noctiluca   ( Mauve stinger )- is a ver...